Async PySerial

Welcome to the Async PySerial documentation!

Python bindings for a C++ serial port library providing asynchronous serial communication support.


  • Non-blocking and blocking read/write operations.

  • Cross-platform support for Windows, Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD.

  • Event-driven architecture for handling data events.

  • Support for gevent, eventlet, asyncio, callback, and synchronous operations.

  • Uses epoll, iocp, and kqueue for efficient, scalable I/O operations based on the underlying operating system.


You can install the async-pyserial package using either poetry or pip.

### Using Poetry

  1. Install poetry if you haven’t already:

    curl -sSL | python3 -
  2. Add async-pyserial to your project:

    poetry add async-pyserial

### Using pip

  1. Install the package from PyPI:

    pip install async-pyserial

### FreeBSD Installation

For FreeBSD, you need to build the package manually:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd async-pyserial
  3. Install the dependencies using poetry:

    poetry install
  4. Build the package:

    python -m build
  5. Install the package:

    pip install dist/*.whl


Here’s a simple example of how to use async-pyserial:

from async_pyserial import SerialPort, SerialPortOptions, SerialPortEvent, SerialPortParity

def on_data(data):
    print(f"Received: {data}")

options = SerialPortOptions()
options.baudrate = 9600
options.bytesize = 8
options.stopbits = 1
options.parity = SerialPortParity.NONE # NONE, ODD, EVEN

serial_port = SerialPort('/dev/ttyUSB0', options)
serial_port.on(SerialPortEvent.ON_DATA, on_data)

    while True:
        data_to_send = input("Enter data to send (or 'exit' to quit): ")
        if data_to_send.lower() == 'exit':


### SerialPort A class for serial communication.

#### Methods

  • __init__(self, port: str, options: SerialPortOptions): Initializes the serial port with the specified parameters.

  • def write(self, data: bytes, callback: Callable | None = None): Writes data to the serial port. Can be blocking or non-blocking. If a callback is provided, the write will be asynchronous. Supports gevent, eventlet, asyncio, callback, and synchronous operations.

  • def read(self, bufsize: int = 512, callback: Callable | None = None): Reads data from the serial port. Can be blocking or non-blocking. If a callback is provided, the read will be asynchronous. Supports gevent, eventlet, asyncio, callback, and synchronous operations.

  • def open(self): Opens the serial port.

  • def close(self): Closes the serial port.

  • def on(self, event: SerialPortEvent, callback: Callable[[bytes], None]): Registers a callback for the specified event.

  • def emit(self, evt: str, *args, **kwargs): Emits an event, triggering all registered callbacks for that event.

  • def remove_all_listeners(self, evt: str): Removes all listeners for the specified event.

  • def remove_listener(self, evt: str, listener: Callable): Removes a specific listener for the specified event.

  • def off(self, evt: str, listener: Callable): Alias for remove_listener.

### SerialPortOptions A class for specifying serial port options.

#### Attributes

  • baudrate: int: The baud rate for the serial port.

  • bytesize: int: The number of data bits.

  • stopbits: int: The number of stop bits.

  • parity: int: The parity checking (0: None, 1: Odd, 2: Even).

  • read_timeout: int: The read timeout in milliseconds.

  • write_timeout: int: The write timeout in milliseconds.

  • read_bufsize: int: The read buffer size. Default is 0. When read_bufsize is 0, the internal buffer is not used, and only data received after the read call will be returned. If read_bufsize is not 0, both buffered and new data will be returned.

### SerialPortEvent An enumeration for serial port events.

  • ON_DATA: Event triggered when data is received.

### SerialPortError An exception class for handling serial port errors.

  • __init__(self, *args: object): Initializes the SerialPortError with the specified arguments.

### PlatformNotSupported An exception class for handling unsupported platforms.

  • __init__(self, *args: object): Initializes the PlatformNotSupported exception with the specified arguments.

### set_async_worker A function for setting the asynchronous worker.

  • def set_async_worker(w: str, loop = None): Sets the asynchronous worker to gevent, eventlet, or asyncio. Optionally, an event loop can be provided for asyncio.


The examples directory contains sample scripts demonstrating how to use async-pyserial for various operations. Below are a few examples to help you get started.

  • Basic read and write operations.

  • Non-blocking read with asyncio.

  • Using gevent and eventlet for asynchronous operations.

Example scripts included in the examples directory:

  • Demonstrates periodic writing to the serial port.

  • Demonstrates reading from the serial port with different async workers.

  • A terminal interface for interacting with the serial port.

Platform Support

Supports Windows, Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD.


To contribute to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd async-pyserial
  3. Install the dependencies using poetry:

    poetry install
  4. Run the tests:

    poetry run pytest


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


If you have any questions or need help, please contact the project maintainer: Neil Lei (

Indices and tables